
Many standards have been created for the convenience and standardization of the activities of engineers in different sectors. These standards help engineers to produce a product in accordance with industrial needs and in compliance with all the principles and rules of engineering in that sector. Also, employers can easily verify the quality of manufactured products using these standards.

How to compile and write as well as the custodian of these standards and legislation on products and services based on standards are different in different countries. Among the flood of existing standards in various fields, the most important standards in the oil and gas and petrochemical industry and related industries are: ASME, ANSI, IEC, ASHRAE, IEEE, ANSI, AWS, API, ISO.

Some research institutes define and offer standards in their field of work, such as the “American Society of Mechanical Engineers” which offers the “ASME” standard, or the American Welding Society which offers the “AWS” standard. In addition, governments also have their own standards, including the National Standard of Iran (ISIRI) issued by the National Standards Organization of Iran.

In the following file, some of the most important international standards used in the oil, gas, petrochemical, steel, etc. industries are available for download.

Some of standards are provided for download